Monday, April 30, 2012


The lesson plan I chose to work with for this final project uses the contest that Google hosts, called Doodle for Google. In the annual contest students are invited to participate and create a new design for the Google homepage logo centered around the years theme. Students' doodles will be judged on artistic merit, creativity, theme communication, and appropriateness of the supporting statement criteria. The winning doodle will be displayed on the homepage, so the Google logo should be clearly visible and recognizable. 

My original lesson plan asked the students to create the doodle by using pencil, crayons, or paint. To infuse technology in ways that are not just supportive, but trans formative i would adapt my lesson by having the students use computer drawing or design software instead. I could give them the option to use computer software to create Google's new logo or they could also use the computer and magazines to collage clippings to create and image.

All students will demonstrate an understanding of the basic elements of art and principles of design govern art creation. The students will be able to see that art is a universal language, and their logo will be seen by all of the United States. I would incourage the students to use subject matter that involves current events, and or cultural experiences in their logo idea. Visual communication through art crosses cultural and language barriers throughout time.

Days 1-2: Access Information
After a teacher-led introduction to the life and career of Ruth Kedar, an artist and designer, best known for designing the Google logo. I would also touch upon other famous graphic designers like Milton Glaser, best known for creating the I <3 NY logo. I would use powerpoint on smartboard for the students to see my presentation. Students will acquire a deeper understanding of the artist’s creative process. Information given will open to discussion by the class, followed by a examples that were submitted by previous contest winners. Day two I would give a short introduction to how to use drawing and design software, like photoshop, paint, and tuxpaint.

Days 3-4: Analyze & Evaluate
I would have the students sketch and storyboard their ideas. I would than meet individual with them to discuss which of their ideas would be chosen to as a final image to create for the contest. We would than discuss what medium they would like to use in order to create the image. Their choices would be either to use the computer to draw and collage digitally or by printing and clipping the collage.

Days 5-6: Produce
In the last days I would have the students work in the computer lab to create their images. I would have them scan their sketches into the computer and work with them in photoshop or other software they chose to use.

Day 7: Communicate
Day 7 would be a class critique where we would discuss and talk about each other’s work. We would be able to give feedback on what works and what does not work within their image.

I chose this lesson originally because I felt that it gave the students an opportunity to enter in a contest that if they were to win, gives money that is beneficial to their future educational career. It is so often students don’t feel motivated when making art. I believe that doodle 4 google gives students the opportunity to think critically and apply what they have learned with the elements of design as well as incorporating their own personalities with in the logo. I believe the results of this lesson would show a wide range of imagery that can be funny, whitty, and well thought out. This lesson gives the student the opportunity to express their opinion on what should be on a website they probably visit daily. It takes the lesson to a place they would not otherwise have the opportunity to have their work seen by so many viewers.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

I really liked this video because i think it is important to show students that their work can influence others to create movements or reach a broader audience. Although i would stress that it would be better if they engaged i more legal activities. But show them that ther work can make a statement and people will "listen"(see)

This is an awesome video on how to  light a set! This can be very useful to film and photo majors.!

Using podcast to connect literacy and art. We used a shel sileverstein poem to have the students illustratelines from the poem. We used the pod cast to introduce the lesson.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

I am always looking for cross curricular lesson plans. This is a great video that incorporates math in art making.

an article on making art with ipad. I really love the idea because ipads are portable so essentialy you can take your art work with you anywhere! For the kind of students who are always on the run ipads are a great way to get your ideas down whenever you see fit.

how to make a portfolio


Students can use i movie and stills to create a portfolio. Helping high school students create a portfolio is important for them when and if they would like a future in a college career. You can design an entire lesson aorund how to create a portfolio useing technology. This is only one way you can do it but you can also help them create a website via wix or blogspot.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

This is a funny video i think would really catch students attention. It could be a great way to integrate health into a lesson plan. It is important to get students thinking of current events to incorporate into the content of their work. This is a video that is comment on fast food and its abundant amount of grease it holds.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I took a commercial photography class a few semesters ago and i remember how i was so uninformed on something so simple as saving images to a cd. I think that for a lesson it could be important to touch upon things like saving your work. There is so much you can talk about between hard drives and images sizes.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Podcast in the Art Classroom


This is an example that I did of a podcast in the art classroom.  It was a great way to show students what to do.  I believe that this was very helpful to the students.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Interactivity # 5

In my interview I spoke with a woman who teaches Spanish to high school students.  She has only been teaching for five short years. When I began my survey I quickly realized she had no clue what the NET-S/ NET-T were. Before even continuing with my questioning she asked me to explain to her what they were.  I think she was more confused than shocked she was not aware of what it was. She was not aware if her school district began implementing the NET-S and or NET-T.  We continued by talking about what technology initiatives exist to increase students’ proficiency and media literacy. She explained that all rooms had projector but only most but not all have a few computers. The teacher explained that there has been talk about Smart boards perhaps being bought for some classes. I was not surprised by her unfamiliarity with NET-S and NET-T because I too was not aware of about them until this very assignment. I would definitely tell fellow educators about the NETS-S and NETS-T. If my school board was not already involve with them I would bring it up during a meeting.